This is such an uneducated take I’m convinced it’s just trolling.
So true. Only neolibs have compassion for other people’s suffering.
This made me laugh so hard bro 🤣
The good old
Narcissist’sTankie’s Prayer:That didn’t happen,
And if it did, it wasn’t that bad,
And if it was, that’s not a big deal,
And if it is, that’s not my fault,
And if it was, that’s Western propaganda,
And if it isn’t, you deserved it.
Yes, slavers and exploiters deserve to suffer for slaving and exploiting.
ah yes, slavers and exploiters.
“peasants with a couple of cows or five or six acres [~2 ha] more than their neighbors” were labeled kulaks.
Not to mention the famine that followed this act of genius.
OK lemmy user “ilovethebomb”
But yes, Kulaks were exploiters.
Because they had slightly more land than their neighbors? Or a business?
Cool, cool.
Because they intentionally destroyed resources to fight collectivization (ie throwing a tantrum to avoid having to share with people with less than them), which while the process was admittedly mishandled ended up being a good thing in the long run.
Also I’m not just going to believe a Wikipedia article that anyone with even slightly more than others was labled a Kulak anyway.
ended up being a good thing in the long run.
They had a famine and millions died.
It wasn’t caused by collectivization and I said “the long run”.
That famine was the last one in the region. There had been famines in the region during the czar’s time frequently.
It wasn’t a famine, Stalin literally ate all of the food single-handedly with his massive spoon. Tankies like you will deny this.
right? It says so much that all the people who hate communism are the ones who’s businesses and family wealth were hurt - you will be looking for a while before you find an average person who lived under communism who hates communism.
Yeah, these people are really entitled. Stupid snobs who miss their electricity, warm and clean water and healthy food.
literally every communist-led state ever saw faster electrification, sanitation, and agriculture development than any of their comparable peers (important). Please find me a single solitary example to the contrary. Also, please refrain from comparing Cuba and the USA or Vietnam and Finland like they’re running in the same race, the real victories of communism are that it has outpaced any even remotely comparable nation in the same timespan despite sanctions and interference, not that a communist party can magically turn Haiti into Denmark in twenty years.
No, there was one were things went so bad that they had to build a wall to keep people from leaving
Yeah and I’m sure that’s the end of the story. There’s no additional context to this story. Times and the problems faces by the government on that side of the wall were incredibly simple and there definitely wasn’t any collusion on the other side of the wall to try to drive people to leave.
The logical first step to brain drain is definitely to build a wall. those damn commies just didn’t understand how to use logic!
Oh my bad. I’m sure the shoot to kill order on the eastern side was in place to keep the propaganda out.
I know enough poor people from Cuba who don’t want to go to USA level. Just basic humane living conditions would be all right.
On a higher level there are friends and family who have lost loved ones in east Germany. No, they weren’t super poor. Just dead, when they tried to leave this incredibly free and democratic country because they wanted the food and medicine the people on the other side of the wall were enjoying.
communism is when GDP go up