Friendly remember that when the Egyptians were building the pyramids, the Europeans were still hunting the last mammoths, and it blows my mind every time I think about it.
But have you seen the mega fauna in Egypt at that time? Crazy shit. Bipedal Jackals, some weird ass half hippo, half lion, half crocodile creature. Wild times back then.
Thanks for the laugh my friend
Not a cell phone in sight. just ppl living in the moment.
And not the next
We used to do that right after drinking from the hose!
Hardest part was to get the mammoth to hold its hose still so you could drink from it!
That was when they still put real cocaine in the hose lining. Different times.
I did it with Moses when he was 260 years old.
Time for the mammoth hunt, dudes!
Ah yes, a book on history, full with hand drawn artist impressions, based on the contemporary understanding on paleontology and antropology.
Way better than influencers rambling on about Paleo diets and alternate history fuckwits.
Just a bunch of people, living in the moment. No phones.