I’ve been working on a smart playlist plugin for Jellyfin for a couple of weeks, and by now it’s at a stage where I can say it’s usable and doesn’t have any show-stopper bugs. The playlists are created and edited in the plugin’s settings.
A simple configuration for all liked pop songs would look like this:
Id: Favourite Pop
Name: Favourite Pop
Program: |
(and (is-type "Audio") (is-favorite) (is-genre "pop" (genre-list)))
SortProgram: |
(begin *items*)
It supports reflection, so any filter or property can be added without modifying the plugin directly; most of the pre-defined filters are implemented this way.
There also is a mirror at Codeberg: codeberg.org/redxef/jellyfin-smart-playlist
Smart playlists is why I haven’t moved to Jellyfin yet so I’ll give this a look.
The readme doesnt ever explain what a smart playlist is. Is this a term that most people know that i’m just out of loop on?
Is this only for music, or tv shows as well? I find myself shuffling shows a lot and it was nice in Plex to have a smart playlist and exclude shows that had been played in the last X days from the playlist.
Not yet, though thats a feature worth looking at. I’m thinking that it should be collections instead of playlists. If you add 3 shows to a playlist only the episodes will appear there, while the collection will only show the tv show (or season, whatever you added).
I don’t really understand the readme. Is the creation done in a cli or in the jellyfin UI?
I was missing this feature in jellyfin and this would be really great (I switched from plex which has it and I used it a lot 😅)
Ah, should probably make that more clear. Everything can be done in the settings of the plugin.
very nice. I will give it a try as well (after the holidays though)
I will try this out, thanks!
Any idea if playlists can directly work in external but non Jellyfin apps like finamp or kodi with Jellyfin for kodi? If not can playlists be saved/exported for use in those contexts?
It just manages a native jellyfin playlist, so that should work just fine.
It’s closed source, but Symfonium has had smart playlists for a while, if it’s a feature you’re willing to switch for. It’s great to see this feature in the Jellyfin server, and hopefully all the apps can implement it in due time.
I really like Symfonium. I’ll second giving it a check.
I love using it for Navidrome & offline caching, and it’s nice because it does offer some casting capabilities internally.
Cool. I haven’t transcoded most of my music to a supported format yet, but I might try this out after I have.