so if Mewt made up Ivalice does that mean that Ramza’s whole story… is a footnote in history for a world that only existed as background for a bunch of kids who can barely play snowballs??? those kids made up Cúchulainn the Tainted King because nobody splained about death properly to Mewt who is like 9??? I can’t BELIEVE this I don’t have a single Tactic for this
I mean, you can give him one in game.
Wonder how he’d do with it though.
No, fool, Ramza is dreaming Mewt who made up Ivalice with all the other Aeons in between Blitzball seasons but that’s all inside the singularity known as Ozma.
A card in Triple Triad.
Such a fantastic game - and tragic that it hasn’t been re-released on anything (outside the Wii U). Same for A2
you don’t keep a Wii U hooked up?