Gaming is the only reason I still bother to install windows on desktop PCs.
And yet some developers decide to pour over resources to make a MacOS native port over a Linux port
People who buy Macs probably have money and are willing to spend it.
This is awesome. As someone that games on all 3 platforms, I’m happy to see that Linux usage has gone up so rapidly, even if it is only because of the steamdeck. It’s a great way to introduce people to the wonders of Linux! And yes I do game on my MacBook. The sims lol, it is actually nice to have SOMETHING to play when I feel like not working. And a surprising # of my favorite games work on Mac wonderfully like cities skylines and the 2 point games and many more. I’m always happy when any platform other than windows can play games as collectively these smaller platforms need to dethrone windows, in my opinion.
Everybody knows that the one true game on Mac is Apple Chess. That’s why hardly anyone makes ARM Mac games: the competition is just too stiff.