DDT would work im both cases
I could take sterilized roaches. Their power in that their population grows like hell. But 1000 you can kill off and that’s settled? Okay, deal. Guess, the first hunt would take a half of them for good.
A person? You obviously can’t kill them in most jurisdictions unless you are a LEO. But I’d look forward to reach out and cooperate with them in some way. Idk them and maybe they have cool things to talk about or learn from them. Imagine them blasting an ukulele and being open to teach you. Or just being a good friend material.
I’d probably take both and do bonding with a cellar person over killing bugs.
I don’t think I want to learn from someone who was hiding in my attic
A person because you can reason with him. Maybe he’s cool when you get to know him. You can’t get to know 1000 roaches because there are so many of them and they have no brains
Roaches do have brains
I feel like thats not even that many roaches for a real infestation
Also doesnt mention what kind
And there are proffesionals you can call probably once to deal with that problem.
If you find a human living in your attic unbeknownst to you well
Thats a lifetime of therapy or more to deal with after dealing with the immediate problem
Roaches every time
fr, that person might rape and/or murder me but the roaches won’t lol
The person. USA baby I’ll happily practice my rights 😁
What do I get when I take both?
A big man sized cockroach living in your attic. Or maybe it’s a cockroach shaped man.
Please be nice to him he’s going through a lot
Obviously! Poor guy…