Here’s my take: let people like what they like. Yeah, I don’t like Budweiser. So what? I know a lot of people that hate extra peaty malt, and while I disagree, they’re allowed to just not like Scottish malt whiskey.
Laphroaig for the win… Was in Oban a few weeks back for a holiday and got a bottle of Kilchomain from the shop across the road from the distillery (no way was I paying the distillery prices - £75 for a 10 year?). Really enjoying it, quite liking the salty overtones.
I think that Oban had a soapy taste for me that I didn’t like. Laphroaig used to be my go-to, since I’m poor, but it’s gotten steadily more expensive for even the cheapest interations. Now I mostly drink Costco’s Kirkland blended, or bourbon. :/
Hey, you’ve found what’s good for you :) I did sample the Oban and it was nice, but not at the price they were hawking it at. My current overall favourite is probably a tossup between the Laphroaig Cairdeas I got in 2017 (I think? I’m a bit fuzzy) and a 12-year non-chill-filtered Aberlour… which are such different taste profiles as to be practically incomparable :D Everyone has different tastes, so… going back to the thread starter, let’s celebrate different tastes.
Horse piss has body and flavor and useful ammonia and phosphorus content. Do not denigrate it by comparing it to fucking Bud Light.