… I mean there are dumber things to say.
The US healthcare system is the best healthcare system ever created
The dumbest man says capitalism is the best possible economic system. This guy is right if he’s referring to global economic systems, because it’s been the only global economic system.
What would another global economic system even look like? Can it even be something else?
That is the real question. Communism is the main competition. We could try something in between like syndicalism, or some other version of socialism. But everything is theory because we’ve never tried a different system.
Me irl watching this comment section in flames.
Some days I’m glad that I jumped ship from Reddit, and some days I realize that this is the alternative.
Yeah honestly didn’t expect literal communists
As far as I know even Marx said so.
Marxists aren’t, or shouldn’t be, dogmatic. It’s the method that they uphold. Plus, Marx didn’t live to see the USSR, China, Cuba, etc, so it’s not possible to know whether he would maintain that position (taking your claim at face value).
Marx stated, that capitalism is a necessary step in the evolution of economy, and is better than anything before it and worse than communism. So the real question is whether he would have considered the aformentioned countries as ones that achived communism.
So what’s the best one then? Communism/ socialism didn’t do very hot either. Unless there’s been some obscure, ancient economic system that I’m not aware of, there hasn’t been a non-theoretical economic system that’s been better than capitalism yet, as flawed as it is.
I get there’s abundant evidence of the issues of the current system and the degenerate strategies it allows, but “capitalism bad haha” is getting stale.
I mean socialism has and dose worked for millions of people. Imho The two main points of failure are imperialistic states like USSR and USA the second thing is authoritarian systems trying to force socialism (often it is just State-capitalism) on to the working class.
Most of the reason socialism didn’t do well is because the United States overthrew socialist countries that elected socialism and replaced them with capitalist dictators.
All you folks who downvoted this post, find me a communist country that the US didn’t try to coup
Yes, it’s considered “proto-Capitalism”, but its very distinct from how Capitalism is implemented in most countries nowadays.
There are dozens of economic models and theories that mix ideas of capitalism and communism.
I should look into it. Truth be told, there’s no pure capitalism or socialism. It’s really a bunch of economic sliders different countries balance more towards one side or the other throughout history. What I meant to say is A) systems that lean enough towards capitalism are the more successful even if they’re far from perfect and B) The way people throw around the “capitalism bad” idea just like that doesn’t help in any way and I’m tired of it. It’s a mix of raw frustration and copypasting of ideas without any real substance.