Isnt nigeria basically the only african country right now that isnt a shithole right now? I dont mean this against africans, im just saying that the effects of colonalism can still be seen on every part of africa and its pretty bad to see.
Mastodon: @toothbrush@possum.city
Isnt nigeria basically the only african country right now that isnt a shithole right now? I dont mean this against africans, im just saying that the effects of colonalism can still be seen on every part of africa and its pretty bad to see.
Yeah apps should not prevent you from running them in enviroments they dont want to be run in. A law like this would fix stupid banking apps and other things as well.
Me checking my own docs: “this is some voodoo shit, idk how it works”
This is so fitting, literally had this. Such nice wheather today!
I was hoping so bad that it would come but it never came… we need a proper open source smartphone but there is so many variables in it sadly. Though with the recent developments in mobile linux and using a translation layer for android apps maybe something is possible. The problem is something being open source isnt enough to penetrate the tech space, it has to be better than the alternatives, which with phones means it has to either be ridiculously powerfull or extremely cheap, which are both hard to achive in such a saturated space. Even linux is only popular because it is actually better than the alternatives.
Yeah just make it thicker and smaller. You can have a larger battery. wont need a camera bumb and your hands wont hurt because youre not holding a tablet sized thing in one hand.
Lol 6? More like 3. But i am a flashlight enthusiast so there are upsides. Also february is just so fucking beautiful.
Lol yeah i try to close everything with it. Same with getting used to tiling. Insead of draging my mouse across the screen 20 times i just press a few key combos. But then i need to use a windows machine and everyone wonders why “the it guy” doesnt know how to use a computer.
Google ruining something good again…
Read the wikipedia article. It makes more sense but still a mindfuck
More like a bar with too many drunk people. It is understandable that they are there and its also expected that there are sober people there but it gets annoying when the drunk people keep spilling alcohol on you. Tho i dont its it that bad.
Ehh you can block it. You can turn off notifications on apps.
It was a matter of time. We really need a good(or at least better) company to step up and make a phone. A framework phone would be fire but its gonna take years if they wanna fo it.
Something about the cameras being in a random black rounded off rectangle is strange. You need some separation.
While removing the bump/bar thingy isnt a problem, please make it less ugly, it looks horrible.
I dont have a smasnug(not a typo, inside joke) but do people actually use OEM stores?
If your powerbank has full power delivery support(it probably doesnt) then you can request voltages in 1/10v increments. This is very cool but you need a chip that communicates in your cable.
Yeah i just see a deleted comment and insane chaos…
Hmm interesting. I just commented from the view of someone who has african friends and the only ones who can afford to move here to study and just for the quality of life are the ones from nigeria and south africa. But being a white south african is cheating because of the basically segregation that happens there.