Oh yes, i remember the original :) Thanks, I’ll check it out!
Homo Homini Lupus Est
Oh yes, i remember the original :) Thanks, I’ll check it out!
Ah those sound nice, I’ll check them out, thanks!
Without mods it took a good while, true. Back when it first came out. But mods really turn this old bugger around some times and then some. And that took most of the time i’ve put into the old bugfest. Though the community fixed most of those bugs, really runs like a charm nowadays.
Indeed. I was unfair of me to pick only one favourite, as there are more candidates :)
not exactly like lemmy. It’s more like ONE base of content they all share. But it’s not like instance A only gives you interracial gay midget-porn, and instance B only farming-simulators and C only linux-apps :) But yes, you pay one of the providers and usually have it all. There’s a chart somewhere to which one is backed by whom, and hence the best retention you could get. AFAIK Eweka is one of the root-providers (I use them and they have regularly cheap deals). For automated easy downloads you’d also need an indexer. There are free ones but they aren’t offering API-acccess. You can get those very cheap to moderatly cheap. I pay like 20 bucks a year for two indexers (where one would really totally suffice). Kinda like the same you’d need for torrent too. A site to get your torrent from.
Oh yes, this one too of course!
I really really dig the fuckaround/findout. It paints the try/catch with a more dreadful undertone and reeks of mystery.
It’s just as old as the internet itself. Primary reason was communication. A gargantuan federated forum. The binary-part was just there but not that extensively used. Now it’s the other way round (sadly). Communication is down, binaries are up. As to the legality: It’s federated, worldwide. Some providers do take DMCAs, but (as with the rest of the net) it doesn’t do much. Because first most pir8-content is obfuscated and pwd-protected. And second, the moment something was taken down, someone else re-ups it again :-) Benefits to torrent and debrid and all: Retention. So a thing from 10yrs back you can still get with absolute maximum speed your line can do (and your provider gives you ofc). Fuck seeders and upload-ratio and co. Just get it as fast as anything could be. I usually download with ca. 250mb/s. 100 parallel connections. Only some group’s FTP can beat this. But they’re not for the public.
As to legally paying: It’s just a service that gives you access to something. like debrid. You can have usenet access just to communicate with people or download linux-distros or anything else legal. Also, even in my very restricted country, downloading is legal. Uploading is not.
Ignore steam forums. They were always a horrible kid’s playground. Since the term woke emerged, it’s totally bonkers. They really go nuts these days when you can’t choose man/woman but body type 1/body type 2. How could anyone give a damn about such things if the game does not suck? Like in kingdom come 2 where you could do a lot of things that finally lead to one gay scene. And then they complain about that. It’s an RPG. Stop doing gay things if you don’t like gay 😁
Be fair. Skyrim without mods is a horribly boring bug-fest of yesteryear. But with mods (and a lot of work putting into modding it correctly and WORKING) you’re right.
Depends. I never have had anything that’s not available. Except one older series that wasn’t available anywhere, not even streaming legally. And for dubbed shit it can be more complicated. But i rarely consume that. I use usenet btw with only two indexers. Could add more and even torrents too, that might even make it better. But i would already be fine with just one indexer at all.
Exactly. Movie? Enter name, wait a minute, watch. Series? Enter name, wait a while longer, watch.
But that exactly is the problem. You would never happen to “suddenly have it”. As you lack the requirements to hoard and exploit enough. And if you were a nice dude that would just inherit it…you wouldn’t be nice to begin with, as your empathy would’ve been indoctrinated into oblivion by your environment. You’d rarely even have met people not “suffering” from the worst of humanity’s personality disorders.
And even if you’d be the one billionaire out of a thousand that still is decent and helpful…“your” people will find things to make you look like an are. And in the end you’re poor again and your offspring inherit nothing and have learned nothing of value. Capitalism wouldn’t budge under your empathy.
Our society (and by that I mean every society, no matter where you’re living) highly rewards the dark triad of personality disorders. And it literally punishes you (financially mostly) for being kind, humble, empathetic or just decent. So, to be a billionaire, you will simply have to be a mean piece of human garbage. By definition.
We, as a species, are fucked. There is no way out of capitalism anymore and it only will get way worse. One reason I became anti-natalist long ago. Now boo me.
Ah great, a nice porn-game that isn’t hentai 😁
Milk the cow l as long as it exists? Never risk inventing a new franchise if you already own another one that sold well. But nvm, game will\would suck anyway. Like most AAA do these days. So who cares.
Thanks man, your kind words are appreciated. Yet, in the end…who cares? People are still flooding the association with donations and work-force. If i left or not didn’t change anything at all. I couldn’t even leave a nasty virus this time as any damage would’ve just been taken out of the 5%. It’d be great if everyone (or at least >50%?) would never work in such a company/assoc. But a single entity? Futile.
Also I must add, that I could’ve easily done it. First I didn’t even need to work, i just wanted to. And second, here you’re not screwed if you loose your job. So a regular US-American would’ve probably made another choice here. By force. The system sucks and it heavily rewards the dark trinity of psychological disorders. In fact, they’re often a requirement.
But thanks man, either way. Guess how many understood why i left? exactly ,-)
You’re absolutely totally right. Would I still work, I’d be ashamed if I had to say “I work at google”. Since they removed “don’t be evil” as their motto, that is.
But you also explained it…we all get brainwashed. From indoctrination to outright brainwashing. Daily, every where. And if you dare to question something, you’re suddenly alone. One sane in a herd of insane? Must be me,they can’t ALL be wrong,right?..RIGHT?
Tiny story: when I still worked, one job was at a very highly deemed top association that stood for curing cancer. Or helping people with it, or doing studies, paying studies, you name it. Sounded awesome. I was admin and had access to everything. I quit 6 months later, I couldn’t take it anymore.
-a whole floor with lawyers to legally fuck people out of their money and to fend of incoming.
-another floor full of marketing people who did nothing else than quench old (or dying of cancer) people for their inheritance.
-the cellar was full of hundreds of millions worth of inherited stuff, paintings and shit.
-the bosses drove 250k cars, flew multiple times a month to “meetings” (which meant at least 1000 each for food alone, coz it had to be fancy).
-oh right the building was just recently bought, because it was soooo fancy and in front of a large river here (in our small country it’s like US’s central park). It was an 8 figure move. Totally unneeded.
And the yearly spending for curing cancer? 5%. Still a large sum, but it was just an alibi for everything else. And it was probably THE most reputable association here. Last day I ever donated anything. I understand that overhead is needed. But it should be, by definition, kept to a minimum.i wanted to work there for the cause, not to get moneyz.
Mentioned twice now, sounds fitting, thanks :)