I love the aspect ratio of Sony phones, It actually allows me to use it completely with one Hand, normal phones are just a bit too wide to do so comfortably.
I love the aspect ratio of Sony phones, It actually allows me to use it completely with one Hand, normal phones are just a bit too wide to do so comfortably.
I’ve been experimenting recently and while most games run fine and VRR & HDR & Multimonitor somewhat work after some experimenting & tweaks I still have problems with a few games.
Some recent examples would be Noita stuttering and running in slow motion. Getting anything from Ubisoft running (when it does run it runs great though). And modding is very hit & miss.
If Dual Boot with windows (especially if running Bitlocker) wasn’t such a PITA I would likely use Linux as my main OS.
You can do the same on Windows (mount ssh shares), there is an Fuse like project for Windows: WinFsp.
I picked up Starsector again this weekend and having a blast with a modded playthrough.
Yes, I’ve searched and found nothing like Playnite.
I am still hoping for the cross platform feature that may be for the roadmap after the next big release