They/them NB
The most annoying thing about being famous is having to tell everyone how famous you are.
The trailer gave me way more BioShock vibes than STALKER personally but maybe I just haven’t played enough STALKER
QT “cutie” (you 😊😳)
OOOOOHH! I get it now!
I thought you meant grayed out so it couldn’t be checked.
My bad. You’re right.
But I want to always delete Electron Applications…
I’d highly recommend Tauri. It’s much much much faster and you can use svelte for the front end and enjoy all of those benefits.
The “downside” is that all of the backend is written in rust which can be trouble to learn… (Downside is in quotes because rust is my favorite language and I would legally marry it if the law cared about the true meaning of love) However! If you don’t care much about the backend stuff or most of that is gonna be simple anyway… Just use it. It’s better in every way
Edit for context: I’m the lead developer of a “popular” (it’s as popular as you can be as a niche tool for a niche community) open source project that uses Tauri with a svelte front end and rust in the back end.
Unity is bad as a company but unreal runs poorly and yet is being used in a LOT of games for no reason. Similar to Electron.
I’ve been to the year -4712
Not much has changed, but they lived under water.
It’s titled FUCK YOUR LICENSE at the top so I’m guessing that it’s called FUCK YOUR
Here is the exact warning that a user had to click through in order to get to where they got:
This link was included in the post but I realize that “source” was probably not the best label for it. Updated to make it more clear.
We need more games that will suck me!
And the entire plot of the first game tbh
Wmffre is actually the Welsh spelling of the name “Humphrey”
“humans are so gross and oily”
I 100% agree with that last part. I think it’s a good thing he stood up for himself and how he wanted to be displayed/treated on screen.
I don’t see hypocrisy in thinking that it’s okay for someone not to want to be treated like a sex object while also not liking when that same person treats others differently based on their gender.
These are unrelated criticisms and can stand alone. I think it is a good thing when actors have a say in how they are presented on screen, especially in a sex sense, and that’s why intimacy coordinators are a thing and should be more widely used.
As for the second one, you’re right. I misremembered a thing I read 2 years ago about someone who isn’t the main point of what I read. There isn’t much more to it. I’m not perfect, as has been clearly shown throughout this whole conversation. It felt like the lesser of the things brought up since it was a genuine misremembering of what was written and had very little to do with what I was saying.
You’re all good :D this turned into a much more heated conversation in general and I also apologize for starting it. I should’ve included the primary source in the original message in the first place either way.
I’m also sorry this turned out the way it did and I really appreciate and accept your apology. Lemmy is small enough that it’s very possible we’ll be seeing each other’s names in the future (and probably often) and I want you to know that I will be thinking highly of you when I do.
Yes, I included it in the original comment in an edit but just in case that was missed, I’ll also include it here.
This is an excerpt from a podcast in which someone from the set described their experience:
This was also mentioned in the article but honestly they did such a poor job showcasing it I’m not surprised it was missed at all.
Well we already know that definitely happens.