btw it is pretty hard to launch on modern systems, as it was made with Windows Vista and 7 in mind
btw it is pretty hard to launch on modern systems, as it was made with Windows Vista and 7 in mind
great game, i can recommend it. Altrough it is very short, almost anybody can finish it in 3 hours or less. All early Fallout games (1-2-3, maybe even New Vegas with compromises) would run. Far Cry 3 on 720p low, Far Cry 1 and 2 would run well. Crysis 1, 2 too. Sleeping Dogs 720p low. Minecraft too if opengl 4.5 is aviable. Resident Evil 5, Half Life 1-2, Alien Isolation 720p low, CS Source, CS 1.6, Tomb Raider 720p low. maybe these would work and worth trying. Generally, most games made before 2010 should run. The weakest part is the gpu, the strongest is the RAM
these computers with linux are good as lightweight servers, not really for gaming
the 2008 Mirror’s Edge might run with 30 fps
don’t use it. It is totally left without support nowadays. They are developing COSMIC, a new Wayland desktop enviroment and Pop OS is abandoned. System 76 pcs support other distros too. You need something based on Fedora Atomic or Arch
which distro is it? there are many that were not made with gaming in mind
that’s simply not true for most cases
Just use timeshift
According to protondb, yes, but you have to tinker a lot and there will be still some visual bugs and issues with saving on Mint. People reported that it works the best about Fedora, Ubuntu, Manjaro. Out of the box or with minimal tweaking
Theming is already an advantage, i tried theming in VM and broke the system with it. If the maintainer stops it, i’ll just switch to an another one. Also, what is Cachy based on?
I’ve been considering these: Crystal, Archcraft, Arco, Exodia. Are these any good?
normal ryzen 9 7900 costs less, delivers very similiar performance in gaming, and you can maybe use it for developnent too. x3d cards perform horribly in anything but gaming
i used Tumbleweed. It is great, but you need to configure it for gaming
displayport is dtill there hopefully