• 1 Post
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: October 28th, 2024


  • great game, i can recommend it. Altrough it is very short, almost anybody can finish it in 3 hours or less. All early Fallout games (1-2-3, maybe even New Vegas with compromises) would run. Far Cry 3 on 720p low, Far Cry 1 and 2 would run well. Crysis 1, 2 too. Sleeping Dogs 720p low. Minecraft too if opengl 4.5 is aviable. Resident Evil 5, Half Life 1-2, Alien Isolation 720p low, CS Source, CS 1.6, Tomb Raider 720p low. maybe these would work and worth trying. Generally, most games made before 2010 should run. The weakest part is the gpu, the strongest is the RAM