ESPECIALLY red ones.
They go faster.
ESPECIALLY red ones.
They go faster.
How about the submarine he was going to build to save kids in a cave that obviously would have drowned long before he could have even really started work? But it’s okay, he could just accuse the guy who actually saved their lives of being a pedo
The exact one I was thinking of
Valheim is another great example, though it’s still probably a year out from release
Same, did a rebuild of my PC when I cannibalized my old one into a media server (really only kept the drives, so not really more like just built a new one…), bought two nvme drives for it with the intent to put Linux on the first and Windows on the second, but held off on putting Windows onto it to force myself to stick with it until I got a real sense for what I’d need it for…
A couple months later I decided I’d just use that second drive for more storage. Hasn’t run Windows once in over ten months of use and I’ve yet to miss it.
Only took me sixteen or eighteen years of saying I’m going to switch to actually do it…
I have to wonder if there’s anyone left who actually likes it and isn’t just there to keep in touch with someone…
This. Any time paying customers get treated worse than pirates, they’re only incentivised to pirate next time. It absolutely blows my mind that corpos seem incapable of figuring that out.
Heavy emphasis on maybe
Yeah, it actually was visible while it was being constructed, but then turned invisible. It highlighted an outline of it when I pointed at it
Hasn’t happened again though
I don’t have that problem but once had a personal container disappear as soon as I placed it, probably related?
For selling out all future royalties for a game in as huge and popular a franchise as GTA? Yeah, i think that counter offer is pretty fair actually
Looks like fun, I’d watch it…
The 2024 version is coming out in a few months too
He’s clearly not paying enough then