as someone with an unreasonably large head, the gamer beanie still too small
as someone with an unreasonably large head, the gamer beanie still too small
thanks new friend! fixed
not to brag, but i’ve graduated from not befriending friendless people to driving away friended people who try to be friends with me
less people, less fewer drama
that’s good postum!
are we just ceding
it was a noble effort, but that battle is lost. at this point you’re just making yourself a target. not that social medias won’t relinquish your data to the gestapo the instant it’s demanded. which they probably did years ago
yea, stupid that the line only go up mentality means it doesn’t matter how many great titles you released, one single turd release and you’re finished
i’m no fan of jeeps, but no one’s buying them for speed
seems mostly accurate, except there was no bittorrent in 2002
edit: apparently the protocol was released in 2001- TIL
The company is under pressure to show investors what will power growth in the years ahead, as its already massive reach makes finding new subscribers more difficult.
LOL i think the only potential “new subscribers” remaining are the people who never had and never will have a netflix sub. at this point one of the many reasons i’ll never sign up is because fuck shareholders in general
or, even better: delete twitter altogether
the more time goes by, the less of it i’m willing to compromise putting up with bullshit. every breath you take is one breath closer to your last
i was a barista for well over 10 years (as an introvert to boot). it’s 100% a side gig. it may cover some food and gas, but NO ONE is paying rent with barista pay, especially since they cut labor every time it’s “slow” for 20 minutes.
i stayed there because of the free pound of coffee every week and flexibility, but don’t act like it’s always the only thing between the workers and homelessness
if you can’t handle dealing with endless insufferable people and decided to sign up for a barista job, then that’s definitely on you
funny way to say “entirely expected comeback”
lol death stranding without the tedium
i’d put my money on there being another “aniwave” soon, rather than streaming anime is gone forever
the fact that these morons think that piracy depends on some singular centralized “mothership” that controls everything just demonstrates how clueless they are
and from the sound of it, i never will be
Fmovies, which the film industry group also called the “world’s largest piracy ring,” is said to have drawn more than 6.7 billion visits between January 2023 and June 2024. Launched in 2016, the Hanoi-based outfit included pirate sites bflixz, flixtorz, movies7, myflixer, and aniwave.
i’ve never heard of a single one of those
everyone is free to play whatever they want, but everyone is also free to call your opinion dumb. which it is.