IMHO, it’s a horrible hack that is just broken. It’s obscure and we need to rewrite it because it has a bad structure. XCquit[ESC][ESC]C
The best way I know to quit vi is by turning off your computer
you can also accomplish that by turning off city’s electrical grid
Why would you quit vim?
I’m absolutely guilty of self-documenting code, but mostly because I’m sick of everyone else’s lying comments.
“The reason I use Perl is because I wanna write scripts that no one can read and no one can understand so that I can keep my job”
ESC to enter normal mode (if you’re in a different mode like insert) : (colon) to enter commands q to quit ! (or a) to use the quit command withiut keeping any changes
He’s speaking the language of the gods…
ESC + (shift) ZZ is faster and also saves your changes!
"I can read this Perl scrip"t should translate to “I’m lying”.
IMHO it’s a complex, temporary work around with a few issues.
Also vim > emacs
Hey, now. It is possible to write readable Perl code—it’s just less interesting that way. 😜