Now: “Oh, that came out?”
If they ever make an active pause battle game again I’ll be interested. I can’t stand these straight up action games that don’t even let you control your party.
12 was the last one I liked, but even that was pushing it just because of the battle system, which I hated at first cuz it felt like a MMO but ended up loving because of gambits.
If you want a turn based RPG, OctoPath Traveler 2 is a really excellent option.
I have the first one. I’ve never gotten through it.
The style is great and all, but I want a modern RPG that has a party turn based system.Sea of Stars, which just came out, is also great
Baldur’s Gate 3 is a turn based RPG and it is quite good.
I might get it when it goes on sale.
We’re talking about jrpgs.
Oh, are we? My bad. Baldur’s Gate 3 fits “a modern RPG that has a party turn based system”, so I thought it was a good rec.
Yup. Final Fantasy is a jrpg. The battle systems are completely different than western RPGs.
Final Fantasy did start out as basically a Japanese DnD, but they changed so much it’s a completely different style. Also see Crono Trigger, And well… any RPG from Japan lol
Dragon quest, turn based, also by square enix.
I didn’t grow up playing FF, but bought 15 on Steam on a whim because “road trip with the bros” sounded cool. I enjoyed it, but then when FF7R came out, they made so many exclusivity deals among other stuff like iirc being the first dev to sell a game on PC at $70 that all my interest kinda waned. Square Enix surrounds these games with so much bullshit that it’s just not worth trying to follow it anymore as someone who doesn’t mainly play on PS.
I was a die hard final fantasy fan since I until X came out. X was more of a movie than a game and turned me off to the series.
I was interested in the FFVII remake until I learned it only covered escaping Shinra.
Are there and Final Fantasy’s that are worth it post X? Don’t want a MMPORG.
I’ve heard really good things about the remake of 12, basically improved on everything wrong with the original game
Nice, that one was in a switch bundle i bought on ebay. Finishing up Dragonquest XI and I’ll play that one next.
I recommend it. I love the art style in it. The battles take some getting used to, but once you buy enough ‘gambits’ from shops you can program all the characters to do anything you want. And you can switch it all up on the fly.
Also, the kid you control in the beginning isn’t the main character. I think that’s an interesting change up. It’s like you’re watching the story from a party members view.
Oh and it takes place on the same world as the Tactics games.
I was so excited for XV and it just killed my excitement for the franchise. I almost skipped over XVI because it just looked so uninspired. XVI has really revitalized that excitement for the franchise though. I’m loving this game.
I plan on getting a buddy and going through Strangers of Paradise next. I had played through the demo with a friend and it was a blast.
Don’t know when you were 13, but there was this great run from 7 to 10. Then 12-15 kinda flopped and for some reason 11 and 14 were MMOs. So there was a whole era where it was nothing to get excited about.
7 remake was hype though.
The marketing for this game was…awful.
Gorgeous graphics and English accents mean nothing if I don’t care or know what’s going on
Even XV was better…as an outsider I knew that Noctis was a prince and it was a road trip adventure essentially
The only thing I know about this game is it has massive kaiju-style fights, and a bunch of kingdoms locked in a GoT style conflict. That’s enough to get me interested but it’s also all I know even this many months after launch and after watching both the cinematic trailer and the gameplay trailer.
That’s… not good.
I like XVI A LOT. Everything leading up to the game was awful and uninspiring. The demo was the only reason I ended up buying it. I can see why though. The whole game is pretty much just spoilers after spoilers. And that’s all of the interesting stuff.
Even showing some of the abilities (the fun part of combat) is spoilery.
This is really exciting. I just finished the game about a week ago and had an absolute blast with it. The game isn’t without its flaws—looking at your crafting system—but it was quite enjoyable all the way through. Excited to get a chance ar some more content.
Also, how is no one talking about the patch notes linked in the article? The time of the onion sword is upon us!
I want to do a New Game+ so I can keep upgrading my abilities and not worry about the story. These updates are going to add a little fun to it.
I used to get so excited when FF games came out but they havent been fun for me since 12. I dont buy FF games for an action RPG. Doesnt feel like FF.
I’ve not been excited for anything except XIV for a while from the franchise. :/
Such a shame too because i was hoping having Yoshi as the director would do something different not move further away.
If you like classic FF sea of stars might be up your alley. I’ve only played the beginning, but it feels really nice and the critical response has been amazing.
Im 10 hours into it and i adore it!
I’m not finished yet but give us a playable DLC centred around Mid pls 💜
Will it be final this time?