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Is the patriot act still in force?
Then I have some bad news.
It isn’t, actually.
(It got replaced by a worse act with less recognition)
They did it. Slowclap
“I’m free, and I love cops.” There’s nothing more American than the juxtaposition of these two concepts.
looks like the american man lost his 🦅 emoji.
here: 🦅
This meme is 10 years old. There are younger people on lemmy.
I hope not xD
Honestly, if a 9 year old was using Lemmy instead of TikTok or something, they’re probably more intelligent
I would be impressed
My thoughts as well.
Oh no, how awful, an old thing on the internet!
I don’t think they are saying it’s bad. I think they just wanted an excuse to make me feel old.
Do you talk to those people? How many DMs a day are you sending them?
It saddens me how many people like this we have here.
People with a sense of humor?
People named Jace
I dont understand. Is there something wrong with being free?