Seems like a situation rife with abuse.
Just like leetcode - where you’re helping train the AI that will replace you while not getting a job.
Seems like a situation rife with abuse.
Just like leetcode - where you’re helping train the AI that will replace you while not getting a job.
My favorite thing about smartphones is that the “call” icon is an old-school telephone handset. I’ll bet younger people have never thought about what that thing is even supposed to be. My second-favorite is the gear icon for “settings” - like, what the fuck does a gear ring have to do with a list of options you can select? That isn’t even remotely close to what gears are used for in real-world mechanical devices.
I assume you meant “coitus”. Definitely pre-coitus - he had never had sex and I’m willing to bet he still hasn’t ever, 37 years later.
My college was desperate for students and couldn’t afford to kick anybody out. There were people around that did worse shit than this guy and stayed.
I tried to befriend a friendless dude in college. Found out he was friendless because he went around asking women what their “cunt diameter” was. Even women professors!
I drive a 2001 which is in that dead zone after cassettes but before aux plugs. I still had to be burning CDs a few years ago but eventually stumbled across an adapter that tricks the car stereo into thinking my phone is a 6-CD changer in the trunk.
My best friend in high school in the '80s had something on his home stereo I’ve never seen before or since: an 8-track tape recorder. We would make 8-track mix tapes and take them to parties … which we promptly got kicked out of because they were tapes of stuff like Yes, King Crimson, Laurie Anderson, Tangerine Dream and Vangelis, and didn’t nobody want to listen to that kind of shit back then.
Elon Musk’s vertical is horizontal.
I heard the older folks say that I would wake up and be old one day and it would feel like barely any time has passed.
I’m almost 60 and I feel more like I should be 100 or so. I’ve had many different careers and technology has changed so much that I feel I’ve lived through multiple lifetimes. I think people who do basically the same thing every day (and night) over and over again, with the same people, tend to perceive life as flying by because there’s no real difference between one day and the next.
I mean, it got the case right on every other letter.
You used to could, on Blackberry at least.
deleted by creator
At least it got the last letter kinda wrong.
Unless the enemy has a pointy stick.
Thank god they don’t live as long as fruitcake.
Your “username” is awesome.
You kids today. In my day we used Visual Source Safe and would accidentally leave a critical file checked out when we went on vacation and nobody else could get anything done until we came back.
Having worked for Comcast, I can also say they’d win gold in the “most coders jammed into a one-person office” competition.
Or Las Vegas crowds. It’s pretty wild how the Vegas lobby has completely suppressed the memory of the worst mass shooting in US history.
This reminds me of how much “fun” it was to write Blackberry apps back in the day. Whenever you compiled your app, not only did the entire app need to be signed by the RIM servers, each individual module of library code you incorporated into your app had to be signed, so the more shit you added the longer the process took (and signing a single app sometimes took 30-40 minutes or never happened at all because the signing servers were down). I remember once I needed to use the sin() trigonometry function, which forced me to incorporate one of the cryptography library modules, which in turn doubled the amount of time it would take to compile and sign my app - so I ended up writing my own custom sin() function for no good reason at all.
There was a whole website back then called isthesigningserverdown.com (long gone now) devoted to telling you whether the RIM servers were working or not. The only good part about this was that if I ever felt like blowing off work, I would just tell my bosses that the signing server was down and go home.