Is this rust?
Everything returns to crabs, as it must
UAC now stands for United Aerospace Crab
Crabs are Turing complete now? I gotta get me an STD!
Q: So what do you do for a living?
A: “I am only the greatest scientist of our age, harnessing the computational might of soldier crabs! While others tinker with mere circuits, I’ve unlocked the organic potential of crustacean logic gates. The future, my friend, isn’t in machines, but in the scuttle of millions of tiny legs! Mwahahaha!”
there are 8 logic gates in a byte
uh. no? a logic gate isn’t a bit. you can store a single bit with a pair of not gates to make a flip flop, but the core logic here is flawed
Right? Even if it weren’t, this only calculates how many crabs it would take to store Doom, not run it.
No mention of fps or latency, authors clearly not gamers.
Imagine some Smash Bros players who get pissy about 16.6ms playing on a CrabCPU with 13s latency…
Cray Fish Computer Corporation. I always wondered what powered these old super computers.