LISP is too old to care any more.
Primary elections are how parties change. Primary elections are how the Republican party became what it is today. They are often the highest-leverage vote you can cast if you’re in a solid district.
Don’t forget the stench of pee in the summer.
He was exactly the kind of guy who doesn’t get hired any more because companies “know better”.
And stuff gets crappier every year somehow.
I still fondly remember the QA guy on the first consumer electronics project I worked on. He didn’t do scripting or test harnesses or dependency injection, he used the product and filed good bugs telling us what would fuck up our customer’s expectations.
A good QA person helps with product design too if you let them.
Andy B, I’d work with you again in a second.
I get to call myself weird. You don’t get to call me weird.
That’s how this goes.
That’s exactly how it works in German.
Gebäude (“built”) for building
Gemälde (“painted”) for painting
Gedichte (“thing that was said”) for poem
Well, if you want your instance to stay up you should expect to pitch in for operating costs…
I dgaf about indices starting at 0 or 1, I can deal with case-insensitivity, but syntactically significant whitespace drives me up the wall.
Why is she clutching the vase with roses in it?
Center of gravity looks way off for that alien. He’d topple forward unless his feet were way bigger.
This is some fucking wisdom right here.
Congress matters way more for minimum wage than president.
In Cali we can choose between Porter and Lee for (somewhat) pro-labor policies. Schiff is a standard Clinton OligoDem.
I prefer Lee’s policies, but am worried that she and Porter will split their votes and put Schiff through.
Zero chance he is in prison by election day.
Make it even smaller and you can become Rocky Balboa’s trainer.