A 7/10 is basically a complete failure, so why didn’t reviewers take my feelings into account before publishing their scores?
A 7/10 is basically a complete failure, so why didn’t reviewers take my feelings into account before publishing their scores?
Beautiful. I’m playing it now and gotta say, I hate everyone who has talked about it up until now. From the die-hard fanboys who say it has to be the best game ever created, to the anti-bethesda circlejerkers who roam every gaming community telling people how it’s a terrible game even though they have not played it.
I’m tired of everyone and their opinions about gaming. I bought it with mid expectations, and I am happy with my purchase.
Honestly, the game is exactly what I expected from all the pre-release info. It’s a Bethesda RPG in space. I didn’t expect a space sim, so I didn’t expect any sort of dynamic streaming for seamless planetary transitions and the likes, because they very clearly stated that this wasn’t a thing.
And the capital G Gamers seem to be more bothered by pronouns, body types, female leaders, all the “replaced white people”, etc. lol
Seriously, stay away from the Steam forums folks.
Whenever anyone calls me by my “they them” pronouns in game, a tiny juvenile part of me chuckles at the Gamerz out there who I’m sure are frothing at the mouth at the fact that I can play a single player game how I want.
I was considering using they / them for a second, just for shits & giggles, but then thought it’s likely not even really used in a lot of dialogs anyway (very much true after many hours later now). In hindsight it would have probably just confused me though, thinking they talk about someone else. Because I am super tired from literally playing too much, which completely fucks with my concentration & attention span. lol
incredibly based
Same. I know game reviews have been getting worse lately, but the whole discourse around Starfield feels particularly terrible.
Isn’t this the outcome from it all?
Rational people who aren’t fanboys or haters buy and play games with low expectations, and are rarely disappointed.
I think it’s pretty good so far. I wish it were half as wide and twice as deep, though.
I’ve heard it described as wide as an ocean but deep as a puddle.
I wouldn’t go that far but if you’re looking to explore alien biomes or whatever it’s not gonna be ideal