This article is really misleading. There is nothing explicit whatsoever with this in Starfield. You never even kiss. You just get the regular loading screen after sleeping except that your romantic partner appears to have woken up next to you, and you get a slightly better version of the Well Rested xp buff. It’s not a “huge XP boost” over the normal Well Rested buff
This article is really misleading. There is nothing explicit whatsoever with this in Starfield. You never even kiss. You just get the regular loading screen after sleeping except that your romantic partner appears to have woken up next to you, and you get a slightly better version of the Well Rested xp buff. It’s not a “huge XP boost” over the normal Well Rested buff
So the same as how sex is handled in every Bethesda game…
Every Bethesda game is just like every other Bethesda game. Go collect your trinkets and don’t think about it
You need to play bioware games for the sexy scenes.
No you need the right mods for sexy scenes.
such a shame it wasnt a sex minigame with switching positions and stuff like that one guy asked the cyberpunk devs
There could be mods in a couple months.
Hot coffee
My man CJ
It wouldve been the perfect chance to reintroduce the oblivion social whiplash wheel.
The XP buff being better than normal Well Rested is still an improvement, but honestly Bethesda games should’ve been doing that since New Vegas.
They have, since Skyrim.