image description:
image of a person happy-crying with the text: me when my city’s AQI is “unhealthy” and not “dangerous”
on the bottom is a screenshot of a weather app showing AQI of 110 and labeled unhealthy
deleted by creator
that’s brutal haha. we had this(crossing 400) a couple months ago.
Imagine being old and/or with respiratory problems in this pollution. but it helps “our economy”!Yeah. I basically breath industrial fumes here all the time when I go out. Long Live Air Purifiers. Can’t wait to move out from this Lung Cancer Tomb.
on that topic - where does the O³ come from?
a fellow breezy weather user!
you can tap on it to read more about it.Ground-level ozone (O3) is a major component of smog. Although the same molecule, ground-level ozone can be harmful to human health, unlike stratospheric ozone that protects the earth from excess UV radiation. It is formed from photochemical reactions with pollutants such volatile organic compounds, carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides (NO,) emitted from vehicles, and industry. Due to the photochemical nature, the highest levels of ozone are seen during periods of sunny weather. Exposure to excessive ozone can cause problems breathing, trigger asthma, reduce lung function and lead to lung disease.
I also use this app! It’s great, isn’t it?? ^_^
Is that screenshot from the main app or a widget? Because my app looks bright even in dark mode.
Turn off the “follow day/night” setting and it will be dark mode in the day as well
I think the O3 ozone is a byproduct of combustion at high temperatures and not ideal combustion ratios. But I don’t know a whole lot about it.
Ah apparently, it is more common to occur naturally in the countyside because the NOx from fossil fuels will react with the ozon to create NO² and O².
Love the app… I have 185 today. Who can score higher today? Hah 🫠
And I’m sitting here with
half that and having issuesless than a third of thatwhat app is this?
edit: found it thank you
Pretty good! Maybe I’ll be able to breathe today!
Mine is pretty low, surprising as I live in a big city.
The biggest nearby city is Seattle, and it’s pretty good there
Right before last summer I bought my good friend an air purifier for his birthday. My other friends made some light ribbing at my expense for being such a boring gift. The wild fires in Canada made the Philadelphia horizon hellish for about a week.
My good friend bought two more purifiers after that.
Oxygen masks are going to be a great business in the near future, maybe it would be a good idea to invest in stocks 🤔
follow what rich people are buying and you’ll never be disappointed.
Hell yeah, the high winds which have me in a red flag wildfire warning have temporarily lowered the AQI to 18. It’s normally like 60 and if that wildfire happens it will spike to 150-250 for several weeks.
Where I can download that?
the name is breezy weather. it’s libre and open source.
Izzy’s fdroid repo: by creator
very cute. this winter in Sarajevo (my city) the AQI was about ~500. we barely breathe down here. the worst part is that Sarajevo is surrounded by several mountains and lacks wind during the winter.
Edit: It’s “Bad”, but about what I expected with the Autobahn nearby
Git gud.
polish village
Suprisingly bad