Streisand effect is currently very active on this one. Thousands of news outlets, many extremely casual and geared towards average joes who never new emulation existed, are now all being told that “this thing called yuzu can play switch games for free”. Nintendo is shooting themselves in the foot. Even if Yuzu dies, it will get forked and people who never knew emulation existed, now do, and look for alternatives.
This is how I’m learning there’s an emulator for Switch games.
Funny thing is Switch was the first Nintendo device I’d even considered buying since GBC, but now that I know I can use my own hardware instead of paying through the nose for a locked-down Pi with a tiny screen and a shitty doll-size controller I’ll probably go that route instead. If I decide their branded shovelware is even worth playing in 2024 that is.
If I decide their branded shovelware is even worth playing in 2024 that is.
And in a single sentence you tanked your entire credibility. Nintendo is pretty much the last publisher/developer of AAA games that still bothers with having high quality and fun experiences.
Yeah hate the business as much as you want but they never stopped making AAA games worth playing. Literally everything else has gone to shit but Mario is still fucking awesome.
Believe it or not, normal humans with normal brains tend to not be just a random nerd in a forum. If you want to reduce yourself to a channer, by all means…
Streisand effect is currently very active on this one. Thousands of news outlets, many extremely casual and geared towards average joes who never new emulation existed, are now all being told that “this thing called yuzu can play switch games for free”. Nintendo is shooting themselves in the foot. Even if Yuzu dies, it will get forked and people who never knew emulation existed, now do, and look for alternatives.
Has it occurred to you that commerce might see advantage in weaponizing the Streisand effect?
This is how I’m learning there’s an emulator for Switch games.
Funny thing is Switch was the first Nintendo device I’d even considered buying since GBC, but now that I know I can use my own hardware instead of paying through the nose for a locked-down Pi with a tiny screen and a shitty doll-size controller I’ll probably go that route instead. If I decide their branded shovelware is even worth playing in 2024 that is.
And in a single sentence you tanked your entire credibility. Nintendo is pretty much the last publisher/developer of AAA games that still bothers with having high quality and fun experiences.
Yeah hate the business as much as you want but they never stopped making AAA games worth playing. Literally everything else has gone to shit but Mario is still fucking awesome.
“credibility” gtfo that’s hilarious.
hey guys you need credibility to be a random jackoff on a forum with an opinion now.
Believe it or not, normal humans with normal brains tend to not be just a random nerd in a forum. If you want to reduce yourself to a channer, by all means…
Also, what the fuck do you think discussion is?