This is stupid. I have no love for Overwatch or Blizzard - I’ve been boycotting them for years, in fact. But there are far, far worse games on Steam than OW2. The fact that, to my knowledge, it runs properly, doesn’t have crypto miners built into it, and isn’t just made from stolen assets already puts it at like a 5/10 at minimum.
I’m all for consumers standing up for themselves and being critical or poor products, but I really wish people wouldn’t get caught up in these hate bandwagons.
Correct me if I’m wrong (I’ve never left a Steam review before), but isn’t the way Steam reviews work is that you either leave a thumbs up or a thumbs down? There doesn’t seem to be any rating scale. The “score” displayed on this page is presumably based on the ratio between positive and negative reviews, and the only thing it tells you is that about 90% of players aren’t convinced that whatever the game has to offer earnes it a recommendation, not that they all thought it deserved a 1 out of 10.
People feel overwhelmingly negative about the game. This is an accurate representation of that. I don’t see the issue here. It’s one of the few ways to get Blizzard to actually listen, they can’t ignore the public perception here like they do on literally every other platform. It’s a massive money hungry studio, no need to defend or feel bad for them.
It’s not representative of how people who actually play the game feel, at least not in my experience.
My old OW1 crew came back for OW2 and we’ve been playing pretty religiously since. It’s not perfect and we all have complaints, but it is such a clear improvement over where OW1 was from ~2018 to 2022.
A lot of the monetization complaints ring hollow since the game is far more generous with free hero and cosmetic unlocks than alternatives like Valorant or Apex.
I agree for the most part. However, due to how Steam only lets its users review games in a binary manner of good or bad, and how prominent Overwatch 2 is (major publisher, highly advertised), I think this is a case where it is warranted.
It’s easy to assume that everyone has the same level of interest and enthusiasm in the game’s industry to follow all of the shitty practices, both in terms of development and just in general, that Blizzard has demonstrated over the years, but people like us are not the target audience for their ads and we aren’t the people they’re trying to get to play OW2.
Most people who fire up Steam don’t know who Blitzchung is. They haven’t heard about the whole breast milk thing, or about the bathroom camera thing. On top of that, they haven’t looked into anything about OW2, so they won’t know about how the game was only developed to move the previous entry’s player base into the new fleecing “free”-to-play model. They won’t know about the promised, yet cut content. They’ll just see the banner ad and click on it to check to see what the game is all about. Seeing an immediate overwhelmingly negative review is going to make them pause and then check out the comments to see what’s going on.
And also this is really the only way Gamers have to let their voices be heard against gaming companies like this. The statement of vote with your wallet doesn’t work with a free-to-play title like this. It also doesn’t matter, because whales are going to play it anyway and that’s where all of their money comes from. The overwhelmingly negative review at the very least could potentially prevent additional people from falling victim to their schemes.
This is stupid. I have no love for Overwatch or Blizzard - I’ve been boycotting them for years, in fact. But there are far, far worse games on Steam than OW2. The fact that, to my knowledge, it runs properly, doesn’t have crypto miners built into it, and isn’t just made from stolen assets already puts it at like a 5/10 at minimum.
I’m all for consumers standing up for themselves and being critical or poor products, but I really wish people wouldn’t get caught up in these hate bandwagons.
Correct me if I’m wrong (I’ve never left a Steam review before), but isn’t the way Steam reviews work is that you either leave a thumbs up or a thumbs down? There doesn’t seem to be any rating scale. The “score” displayed on this page is presumably based on the ratio between positive and negative reviews, and the only thing it tells you is that about 90% of players aren’t convinced that whatever the game has to offer earnes it a recommendation, not that they all thought it deserved a 1 out of 10.
People feel overwhelmingly negative about the game. This is an accurate representation of that. I don’t see the issue here. It’s one of the few ways to get Blizzard to actually listen, they can’t ignore the public perception here like they do on literally every other platform. It’s a massive money hungry studio, no need to defend or feel bad for them.
It’s not representative of how people who actually play the game feel, at least not in my experience.
My old OW1 crew came back for OW2 and we’ve been playing pretty religiously since. It’s not perfect and we all have complaints, but it is such a clear improvement over where OW1 was from ~2018 to 2022.
A lot of the monetization complaints ring hollow since the game is far more generous with free hero and cosmetic unlocks than alternatives like Valorant or Apex.
Then why aren’t they voting it up to counter the negative reviews?
I agree for the most part. However, due to how Steam only lets its users review games in a binary manner of good or bad, and how prominent Overwatch 2 is (major publisher, highly advertised), I think this is a case where it is warranted.
It’s easy to assume that everyone has the same level of interest and enthusiasm in the game’s industry to follow all of the shitty practices, both in terms of development and just in general, that Blizzard has demonstrated over the years, but people like us are not the target audience for their ads and we aren’t the people they’re trying to get to play OW2.
Most people who fire up Steam don’t know who Blitzchung is. They haven’t heard about the whole breast milk thing, or about the bathroom camera thing. On top of that, they haven’t looked into anything about OW2, so they won’t know about how the game was only developed to move the previous entry’s player base into the new fleecing “free”-to-play model. They won’t know about the promised, yet cut content. They’ll just see the banner ad and click on it to check to see what the game is all about. Seeing an immediate overwhelmingly negative review is going to make them pause and then check out the comments to see what’s going on.
And also this is really the only way Gamers have to let their voices be heard against gaming companies like this. The statement of vote with your wallet doesn’t work with a free-to-play title like this. It also doesn’t matter, because whales are going to play it anyway and that’s where all of their money comes from. The overwhelmingly negative review at the very least could potentially prevent additional people from falling victim to their schemes.