As an American emigrant: the red cups are real, but not limited to house parties; alcohol is a lot less accessible, so the party would be more likely to have four different kinds of liqueur from peoples parents or three handles of paint cleaner; getting the cops called on an underage party is serious. Like, potentially lose your job and home serious, even if you were gone for the weekend.
As a non-American, every single American teenage movie I’ve ever watched tells me this is untrue.
I mean getting alcohol for an underage party is the whole plot of Superbad.
Oh no. Wait until he finds out what frat parties really look like
As an American emigrant: the red cups are real, but not limited to house parties; alcohol is a lot less accessible, so the party would be more likely to have four different kinds of liqueur from peoples parents or three handles of paint cleaner; getting the cops called on an underage party is serious. Like, potentially lose your job and home serious, even if you were gone for the weekend.