Except I don’t have to go to a concert. If I don’t have shelter I’m pretty fucked.
Yup! Both are leeches on society, but one is sucking from the jugular and the other is sucking from an extremity. That being said they are both sucking the same blood.
I really have no empathy for the scalper problem.
Don’t go to the concert.
If anything the artists could charge more, seeing as some people will already pay scalper price. They’re doing they’re audience a favor by charging so much less than they’re willing to pay.
The argument isn’t meant to make scalpers seem worse, it’s to demonstrate how illogical it is to treat houses the same way as tickets
Scalpers aren’t even bad.
Just having some self-control and refusing to buy at what you see as an unreasonable price would make their entire business model invalid.
If someone is willing to pay $3,000 for a Taylor Swift ticket, or $1,000 or more for an early PS5, that’s what they’re worth.
Then why don’t you buy your own fucking house if it’s so easy.
Umm cause I lack generational wealth? I’m in my 30’s and almost every person I know that owns a home has done so with the help of their daddy or mommy’s money. 🥱
See, this is what gives scalpers the moral edge over landlords to me. Scalpers are largely working class people using money they earned to do something arguably unethical. Is it kinda lame? Are they losers? Yeah, and again it’s arguably unethical. But are they complicit enforcers of generational wealth and power divides? Are they, as a group, one of the primary forces siphoning wealth and power from the poor and working class to those who already have wealth and power? Nah. They’re just uncreative opportunists. Scalpers create a gulf of immorality between you and recreation to their own benefit, not between you and necessity to the detriment of society at large. So yeah, scalpers>landlords in my estimation.
Was just drawing parallels, i wholeheartedly agree with your sentiment that scalpers arent anywhere near as bad as landlords in the grand scheme of Capitalistic exploitation. Its just a great analogy of how you can most of the time turn a safe profit if you have the cash to flip a commodity. The issue is housing shouldnt be treated as a commodity.
It is easy, if you can get a mortgage.
I currently pay less than $2k a month on my mortgage. A 1 bedroom apartment near me is about $1.8-2.5k and a 2 bedroom is $2.5-3.5k a month. People aren’t lazy and not buying houses because it’s so fun to live in an apartment, they are doing it because they can’t get a loan.
The only difficult thing about buying a house is the hours of paperwork and surprise costs that make no sense.
And if you own a house that is being flooded, just sell the flooded house and move you fucking idiot.
“Sell their houses to who, Ben?? Fucking Aquaman?!”
…who said it was easy?
There it is. What a dumb argument the post has. It’s like people who get mad at people complaining about skyrocketing food prices. We all have to eat! Greedy corporations are just exploiting that…
Landlords do provide services: property maintenance and not having to worry about selling the place when you leave. Are landlords paid way too much for these services? Hell yes. That’s more an issue of inadequate supply though, in my opinion.
Similarly, ticket scalpers provide a service, but not to concert goers. Scalpers absorb risk on behalf of the venue/performer. That’s why venues, who could absolutely shut down scalpers, don’t. Still scummy as hell, but don’t absolve the venue of guilt too.
Bruh the water fountain in the gym at my apartment complex has been broke for over a year, with 2 different owners who have both refused to fix it lmao. They provide a service that should be a human right, and i fail to see how increasing the supply would mediate this exploitation of something people need to survive. Lol
If there were more available units, you could leave and go to one with better maintenance. There’d be actual competition between landlords to keep tenants.
Not ideal, obviously, since moving is a pretty big life event. I’m not saying increasing supply is the solution to every problem with landlords. Being allowed to withhold partial rent if common elements are broken would probably be a better solution in this particular instance.
Bruh I’m in a rent controlled unit, i had to jump through a shit ton of hoops to get approved for, I ain’t goin Knowhere till I no longer qualify for this unit. What you are recommending is the equivalent of a bandaid solution for a wound that needs a tourniquet…
With competition, other units will be cheaper. Units will be rented for production costs. Competition is not a bandaid but the solution.
Lmao you can’t be serious?! Where is this competition right now and why aren’t they completing currently competing?
There are many obstacles like complex building codes, limited supply of building sites, credit requirements or limited public transport. Reduce them, respectively increase public transport, and more people have an opportunity to spend their money on real estate with the expectation of profits.
Spending.money on real estate with the expectation of profits is the problem in all of this.
Housing should not be an investment
All the big venues near me have moved to non-transferable tickets.
Landlords derive profit from owning a scarce resource, not from providing any services.
A property maintenance worker does the same thing but is paid for their time like any other working class individual.
This is why you can have a terrible landlord just like any good one. It’s not the quality of the landlord that’s the problem, it’s the exploitative relationship. Just like how slavery is bad despite their being “good” slave owners that didn’t beat their slaves: it wasn’t the treatment of the slaves that was the problem, it was the ownership of human beings.
It is literally a hold over from the Feudalism that was the status quo before Capitalism was the status quo. Every new social order holds reminants of the previous hierarchical powet structures thats why Landlords are called landLORDS they are a different class from the workers who’s paychecks they rely on to pay the mortgages to their fiefdoms.
So… how would you describe eliminating competition so that there are no other ticket scalpers. Oh, and you also need regular concert tickets to survive.
THAT’S how they’re different, and how giant corporations who buy up properties and single-family homes and then jack-up rental prices (that they also own) are not “providing a service”, but further enriching themselves.
several bootlickers are typing
Economically they are, both activities are rent seeking
There are some pretty significant differences, but you do you.
And since I noticed the disingenuous responses to the other person saying this already, I’m excited for people to respond to this comment by fallaciously assuming I indicated either of these was better or worse than the other. I said they’re different.
Care to explain how they are different, I’m not saying being a landlord and a ticket scalper are the EXACT same thing. Im saying they are both Parasitic on society. The onus is on you to prove they are not both parasitic, if you disagree with this meme. Go ahead!
A landlord is more like the original box office than a scalper. A scalper is more like someone renting a place to put it on airbnb. This goes against the anti landlord circle jerk though so it will get downvoted.
Thats a decent parallel actually, since the box office is selling tickets to an act that creates the value. They profit off the talents labor. Similar to how landlords profit off of the labor of whoever built the house they are renting. It ultimately comes down to the necessity to abolish private property.
Box offices which are currently being consolidated by corporations and setting up markets for the scalpers to sell their tickets where the box office takes a percentage of the resale.
Ticket scalpers take way more risk, plus they don’t get sympathetic coverage on the news when they’re whining that people aren’t buying their tickets at a high enough markup. Also ticket scalpers aren’t withholding a fundamental necessity from people. Ticket scalpers work harder, too.
Really, ticket scalpers are just incorrigible scamps compared to landlords.
Still waiting…
don’t waste ur time, gonna be a looooong wait
Those ticket scalpers and land lords are providing an economic service to you by taking the risk that they miss the show or have to pay their own mortgage! It’s a very useful service for you!
That doesn’t make sense
Both are people taking up resources at perceived lower prices and trying to make a profit off of the artificial scarcity they’ve created.
It only makes sense to those who are illogical.
People love to hate what they don’t understand. People have been hating other people and things they don’t understand for thousands of years.
Why does lemmy want to make renters homeless so badly?
Because I’d rather be putting money toward owning my current residence than renting it.
But the bank says I’m not allowed.
And you’re likely not allowed because your landlord helped create a housing market that so cooked you can’t enter it.
People owning homes they don’t need doesn’t making housing more accessible for everyone else. If you understand math, this makes sense.