Another week another thread. Whatcha y’all playing? And why is it Baldur’s gate 3?

    2 years ago
    • I stopped playing Time Warpers, it’s an idle FPS game. The game is fun, but sadly there’s not enough interesting progressions to get me thru 500 levels. Most important for me, is that I’ve managed to play the game comfortably with a left-handed trackball (Kensington Expert placed on left hand side), since I’ve shifted from right handed mouse couple of months ago. I rarely play FPS, but the game was easy and comfortable enough that I can enjoy the experience with a trackball.

    • Armored Core 6. The first AC game for me. While I do enjoy the battles, the mech movement can be a bit slippery, I’ve just switched to reverse joint legs, maybe it will feel better. The story is interesting, but I kinda wish the character banters are more like in Ace Combat 7, bit livelier, with character portraits. I’m enjoying the game very much