My uncle missed Thanksgiving 2019 because he was in an Arkansas hospital for “untreatable viral pneumonia” and the various complications that came with it. Shit was fucking everywhere already by then.
My gf and I had a gnarly something in early 2020 and we’re still not sure if it was COVID or not. I couldn’t smell, but that was seemingly from taking Mucinex, which is something that can happen apparently. Not sure if any of my health problems since then are a form of long COVID or not 🤷♂️.
My father had the worst flu of his life in January of 2020, bed-ridden for a week. And conveniently, he never caught covid. He’s absolutely convinced what he had was covid, and at this point, I’m inclined to believe it.
There is zero proof that was covid.
There is proof it was not.
Don’t spread stupid.
Don’t claim there is proof that it wasn’t without providing said proof
As far as I’m aware, it is far from settled when cases first appeared in the US
Judging from the fact that it was contagious as fuck and when it did pop up in a community, the spread was quick and ferocious… I kinda just think people who claim to have some weird shit in early 2020, just had some weird shit. Not covid.
Considering how fucked up the whole tracing and research situation was once the scourge hit, (not to mention any proper experimentation on how to treat it, everyone was just trying anything because they were desperate) and how rapidly the variants have evolved once the scientists knew what they were looking for, I wonder if there might have been a less deadly variant or two earlier, which could have traveled out of China in apparently healthy people, while the deadly version was starting to wreak havoc in Wuhan. People who assume they have the flu often don’t go to the doctor and get tested, since they’ll just be told to go to bed and drink fluids. It was only when hospitals started to see a lot of very sick people testing negative for flu that they started to suspect something new.
But I’m not saying there definitely was.
Blood donation testing proves otherwise:
Testing wasn’t widely available until March 2020
2% of all tested US blood donations given December 13-19 2019 had antibodies to and neutralized COVID, and because people don’t donate blood while sick, those folks likely had and fought it off around Thanksgiving. Source:
Thanksgiving isn’t in December.
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What is the proof that thurstyark’s uncle did not have COVID?
I had Covid in 2022 and weeks after the infection I still wasn’t feeling better. And my doctor apparently didn’t know or care about Long Covid and just told me to slowly start working again. That’s made me even worse and now I mostly have to lie in bed. I bet he doesn’t even feel bad about that.
I’m pretty sure from most doctors’ perspectives, you don’t exist between the time they leave the room and the start of your next appointment.
That’s horrible; sucks that you have to go through that. My friend has the brain fog (she’s been reinfected multiple times) but I don’t (anymore than the usual ADHD forgetfullness). I’ve tested positive once (January 2023) and I swear I had it a few weeks ago because the (mild) symptoms were the same.( 1 neg test early on, didn’t retest).I was lucky, though. My body felt exhausted, but aside from that and sneezing/sore neck and headache maybe a tiny bit of sore throat it was very whatever both times. It felt the same as when I got the vaccines, only lasted a few days longer.
Strangest thing is the chest/heart pain I’ve had both times. It’s a brief, intense, twinge that happens for anout 5-30 seconds and then goes away. Episodes last for months (but I had bloodwork and an EKG the first time, and if there’s any damage it’s undetectable). Oh and craving meat is also a thing. Was vegetatian until last December, furiously started craving meat and tested positive in January. Recently I had the same craving. A need for extra iron maybe?)
I had the full set of Moderna and then one or two boosters.
Any idea what could be the cause of your long-covid? What are your symptoms? What makes you feel better? Which (if any) vaccine did you get?
I’ve got fatigue and brain fog and my whole body hurts the next few days to weeks when I dare to do something mildly exhausting (like cooking pasta, showering, filling out long forms). I’m vaccinated, got two or three shots.
Nobody knows what the cause is. It seems to be the same as CFS/ME. Just with more cases because almost everyone on earth got infected.
Rest makes me feel better. But it takes time. With any luck I’ll soon be joining a study on the effects of apharesis. And with any more luck it works and I won’t be getting the placebo.
All I can do from here is hope that you feel better/heal (and that if you don’t get the placebo, the treatment works!)
Being unwell is just the worst
I have a friend who I took to the doctor in February 2020 for an extremely severe sore throat and whole body achiness/fatigue. They said it was a viral upper respiratory infection and gave him some stuff to ease the symptoms while he recovered. Ever since then I can’t help but wonder, you know?
Had a cousin go to the cottage with a bunch of people who flew in internationally Jan 2020, they all came down with a really bad flu and they had to call for ambulances. He died of a heart attack after running out to the ambulance when it arrived.
Oh god, I’m sorry to hear that. That’s awful.
There was actually a whole thing going around in like November/December in the service industry in NYC where they’d be treated for pneumonia, but were told it wasn’t quite pneumonia. They’re pretty convinced at this point it was Covid. One of my friends got hit again in 2021 and said the symptoms were damn near the same.
If only, if only we were allowed to not go to work when we are sick
But, but… think of the corporations, and the profits they could miss out on! /s
Did he ask them when their last period was? Did he suggest they needed to just lose some weight?
November 2019 everyone in my house got it. Well, we don’t know we got it but we’re pretty sure we got it.
Went to urgent care and was told it’s probably the flu. It checked every box for the flu. So they tested us and sent us home. Flu test came back negative for everyone.
We were utterly miserable for a week then got better. Then we started hearing about the “first covid cases in the US”. I think their timeline is off and it came over before they started testing for it.
Obviously a mistake in retrospect, but I think that’s the most common causes of shortness of breath in young people.
I got the worst flu of lifetime Jan 2020 but before COVID “officially” arrived. Worked in a cinema with a lot of Chinese student customers, nobody visibly ill though and probably not returned all the way from home that month… I can’t decide if it was or wasn’t. The real COVID I had was 2 day sickness then instant recovery (with vaccine) :S
I worked retail and caught that shit in like March 2020. Me and one of my peers both called in that monday with fever and we were both off over the weekend. We were the first two that I personally knew to get it and luckily we didn’t get anyone else sick but about a month later SHTF and we had dozens of cases every week and half the store went on LOA due to fear of getting sick.
Wild fucking times, it feels like a lifetime ago.
Don’t mind me. I’m just vaping so much that I get vape tongue, the mysterious symptom which makes me lose my entire senses of taste and smell in late 2019.
Man thats some ! but at least they realized it lmao