What are they gonna do? Shut down the central lemmy server?
They gonna ask John Lemmy to shut it down.
Oh no! not the central lemmy server!
They’ll start by saying lemmy is spreading “disinformation” or “foreign influence” or “harming children” or whatever their excuse of the day is. Then legislate lemmy apps out of the app stores and go after lemmy server operators or users.
Not saying lemmy couldn’t survive as a network, the point of the meme is the dangerous precedent set when people support things like a TikTok ban and say the government should be able to regulate speech or access to speech in that manner. The government shouldn’t be able to tell you what you can say or think, who you share those thoughts with, or what media you consume. It’s a human right to think and speak and be able to listen to others speak. And unfortunately, for different reasons, both the left and right are cheering on its erosion.
WikiLeaks was a centralized platform.
Lavabit was a centralized platform.
Tiktok is a centralized platform.
Centralized platforms are proprietary, brittle, easily targeted. When they are taken down, they stay down.
Lemmy is, effectively, a protocol, not a platform. Anyone can host an instance, and they all talk to each other by default. Any of the big instances get knocked down, and they get replaced by a dozen others. An instance may die, but so long as someone wants to put up another, Lemmy remains.
Bitcoin is not a centralized platform. Tor is not a centralized platform. Government has had little success targeting these protocols.
The difference between the services in the image and Lemmy is …
THIS would be Lemmy:
More like the fediverse.
True. Impossible to fully censor. Easy to “censor enough”, force out of app stores, and deem illegal while being cheered on by the left and right because they both somehow think it’s in their interests, having abandoned the idea of free speech somewhere along in their ideological trajectory. Just like with TikTok ban or the Digital Services Act.
I like Lenny but there’s like a few dozen of us. We’re politically less relevant than mumsnet.
Maybe he means the fediverse as a whole. BTW, wikileaks is still online.
Has there been threats or suggestions of a government blocking Lemmy, or is this just pessimistic anticipation?
I heard that Lemmy was recently seen with the hacker 4chan!
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Look, I get it, I wouldn’t give a shit if TikTok imploded tomorrow and went out of business. I don’t use it. Actually, I would cheer on TikTok’s implosion. It’s a cesspool. However:
“First they came for the xxx and I didn’t care because I didn’t use or like xxx”…“and then they came for me or the thing I liked or used there was nobody left to defend me”
First, they came for the obviously government-funded data harvesting program, and I said nothing, because I think that’s a good thing actually.
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Honestly, i totally agreed with you on TikTok.
They can come for tiktok because its a propaganda tool that harvests sensitive data en masse.
I just wish they’d go after FB, IG, Twitter, etc as well for doing the EXACT SAME THINGS that theyre claiming tiktok is doing.
The only issue with tiktok is China getting the info, not that the company harvests data and spreads propaganda.
More like e2e encryption in general.
“Government hates what it can’t control”
Lol. Look it sure was authoritarian the specific method used to ban tik tok. But you’re complaining about an authoritarian slap fight.
Wait, what happened now? Do they want to ban Lemmy?
lol this place is nothing but libs, i mean u see blue maga people everywhere, im sure they are very confident that this community reinforces the ameriKKKan genocide machine not opposes it.
You know there are more countries than the USA.
this is a meme about amerikkka banning website because they expose amarican backed or committed warcrimes and genocides, what the fuck are u talking about.