I was just curious about this because I haven’t seen anything on this community, and I don’t want to get in trouble with my ISP since it’s the only reliable one in my area. If so, is it exclusively the paid tiers, or free tiers too?
I have a lifetime subscription I’ve been using and have no complaints. I don’t torrent frequently (once a month or so) and haven’t had any issues from my isp.
I have no experience with Windscribe other than that I recall looking into them when I was personally looking to replace Mullvad.
All I can offer is that their pricing is pretty much on par with ProtonVPN, who I have found to be very solid.
Proton also has a free tier, though I’m not sure how well P2P works on it.
Just a note that Proton VPN doesn’t allow P2P on their free plan.
Just curious, why were wanting to replace Mullvad?
They don’t allow port forwarding anymore, if I’m not mistaken
As the other user said, they removed support for port forwarding. They are my #1 pick for anyone where that is not a concern.
Yep, port forwarding is gone. Never used it before but now that I actually need it it’s gone. In other areas I’d say Mullvad is number one for VPNs. Sweden based, great transparency, fair price model and no shady parent companies.
Last I checked you need to purchase an addon to have port forwarding with Windscribe.
These are good options in my experience that are P2P friendly and support port forwarding.
- AirVPN: Relatively slow but stable, good company
- OVPN: Some stability/app problems but fast
- AzireVPN: Lacking features but overall good and fast
Air is the cheapest out of the bunch, they might still have a sale going on now.
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Windscribe had in my opinion always had a great level of transparency as well as the funniest marketing by miles!! Seriously check out their YT videos. While I don’t have a VPN at the moment I would definitely recommend Windscribe to people who ask.
I used wind scribe for a few years for torrenting on my phone andpc and never had any trouble. Once I forgot to turn on the vpn while downloading a movie on my phone at work (using the companywifi 🤦) and got an email from IT saying they’d gotten a warning and not to do it again 🤣😬
They do have a firewall option to prevent scenarios like that
I would recommend ProtonVPN, Windscribe is kinda predatory in their pricing and I don’t appreciate it
Though the free plan blocks torrents due to bandwidth issues.
I find their pricing to be rather reasonable. They even have a lifetime plan.