Tldr: Theyre adding an opt-in alt text generation for blind people and an opt-in ai chat sidebar where you can choose the model used (includes self-hosted ones)
Tldr: Theyre adding an opt-in alt text generation for blind people and an opt-in ai chat sidebar where you can choose the model used (includes self-hosted ones)
No, that’s not useful at all, but Mozilla refused to listen to the blind community.
Can you elaborate? I would love to learn more about the alternative suggestions
Because good alt text needs to be highly context dependant, so you can’t automate it. The better alternatives we have right now are crowd-sourced alt text sites, where volunteers may generate descriptions.
There’s plenty of situations where even a contextless generated alt-text is a huge improvement on no alt-text at all
You should better read what the blind community thinks about it instead of making blanket assumptions.
I think you have a very optimistic view on how far crowd sourcing this is going to take us.
BTW, you think web developers aren’t already using editors that use AI to generate alt text automatically? AI alt text is going to be everywhere regardless.
Also I’m not saying that’s a good thing. It’s just an inevitable thing.
Then why respond when I was mentioning its usefulness and that the blind community was not heard by the tech bros.
Why isn’t it useful?
He’s not blind! What’s he supposed to do with such a dumb feature?? /s
Because good alt text needs a lot of context, so it must be done by humans for humans at our current state of tech,
The old ‘let perfection be the enemy of good’ argument…’
Surely this is a step in the right direction?
It’s not, listen to the blind community instead of making assumptions (I mentioned that in my first comment).
Why not?