Hey there everybody! Weekly check-in time once again. So… What are you playing this week?
World of Warcraft Classic Hardcore. Basicslly the very first iteration of WoW released but if your character dies, it gets deleted. Has been super fun so far, since you play and strategize very differently :D
After not having played it for a while I’ve picked up World of Warcraft again. It’s been fun to get back into it and I like that it’s a bit more of a seasonal game for me now. I can pick it up, play for a month or 2 and then drop it again for another game. Besides that I still really like Path of Exile.
Oxygen not included. Again. I’m still finding new things to learn.
Starfield. Still figuring out lots of things since not everything is intuitive. Also started playing It Takes Two with my SO who has never held a controller before. It’s been an exercise in patience. On one hand I am happy that she willing to pick up a controller and play with me. I am sure it’s as frustrating for her as it’s for me. But damn is it tough to go so slow.
Payday 3, looking forward to playing the full game after playing the beta with unfinished ui and only a single heist.
Tyranny! I don’t game very much so this has been an unexpected blast. Admittedly, I think I’ve played less than an hour this week but it’s been fun. (Been playing casually since late August.)