Those names were chosen because they stereotypically fit these people, like Karen does a Karen. But popular names and connotations change over time. I feel like Stacy is a name befitting of an older person now than originally intended for the memes. I wonder if we’re going to collectively keep these names locked in time, or rename them ever
So what are we calling the female character? Chadwina?
I believe it’s Chad and Stacy
Yeah, and then there’s even a Gigastacey to go with Gigachad!
Nothing compares to GIGA Chad!
Those names were chosen because they stereotypically fit these people, like Karen does a Karen. But popular names and connotations change over time. I feel like Stacy is a name befitting of an older person now than originally intended for the memes. I wonder if we’re going to collectively keep these names locked in time, or rename them ever