“It was not our intent to nickel-and-dime it, but it came across that way,” he said. […]
"A large part of the problem, Whitten said, was that Unity “didn’t communicate effectively… There were areas where there was some confusion, and we could have done a better job.” […]
“That’s on us,” he continued. “We didn’t do a good enough job… of delivering the information that would help people.”
It shows how dishonest he still is: Of course, they wanted to nickel-and-dime everything. People were not “confused”, they were outraged. No matter how much of a mess Unity’s initial explanations of the details were, the core message was pretty clear: Unity was aiming to get as much money out of developers as it can and it did neither bother to iron out the details of the changes, nor assess the potential damage their plans could do.
Rumours from inside Unity said that their own employees warned management, but managment saw a chance to make money and plowed ahead.
And going by Whitten’s statements, they still want to hide behind meaningless corpo-speak and the same people who got their business into this mess now claim that they have changed their ways.
Exactly. It’s a load of horseshit, and they got caught. Moving forward, there’s no reason to believe they won’t slowly add the policies back piecemeal after all of the outrage has died down.
Ars Technica has done an interview with Unity’s Marc Whitten and Whitten’s responses are very, very telling:
It shows how dishonest he still is: Of course, they wanted to nickel-and-dime everything. People were not “confused”, they were outraged. No matter how much of a mess Unity’s initial explanations of the details were, the core message was pretty clear: Unity was aiming to get as much money out of developers as it can and it did neither bother to iron out the details of the changes, nor assess the potential damage their plans could do.
Rumours from inside Unity said that their own employees warned management, but managment saw a chance to make money and plowed ahead.
And going by Whitten’s statements, they still want to hide behind meaningless corpo-speak and the same people who got their business into this mess now claim that they have changed their ways.
Exactly. It’s a load of horseshit, and they got caught. Moving forward, there’s no reason to believe they won’t slowly add the policies back piecemeal after all of the outrage has died down.
For a squirrel you’re quite well-spoken and genteel. I applaud you, my good rodent.
Thank you. I try to make an effort, but it is really hard to type. Humans should make smaller keyboards.
No ww e neeed waterprooof keeyboaards tha t aree tennticaal freeinddl y
My sympathies. Keyboard producers are really dropping the ball for you guys.
At least you have paws.
A beak or feet work too, but I get your point. Invertebrates obviously have a hard time with typing.
Yeah fins not so much…
Even with hands, it’s not always easy.
Is this a D:OS2 reference
It wasn’t supposed to be, but it can be if you want. Is your name a Danganronpa V3 reference?
Sir Lora stuff ?
Until JR and the board that enabled this shit show to happen are gone, I’m done with Unity.