I’m looking for a wide variety of topics. Feel free to call me crazy :)! But I would love any/all info regarding the following:
- Self-sufficient farming and gardening techniques
- Solar power installation and maintenance
- Water collection and filtration methods
- Off-grid food preservation options (canning, fermenting, dehydration)
- Constructing and maintaining off-grid shelters (tiny homes, yurts, earthships)
- Sustainable waste management practices
- Home remedies and natural medicine for common ailments
- Wild foraging and hunting skills
- Basic wilderness survival skills (fire building, shelter construction, navigation)
- Off-grid communication methods (shortwave radios, Morse code)
- DIY appliances and tools for off-grid living
- Sustainable living practices (permaculture, composting, recycling)
- Essential off-grid kitchen equipment and cooking techniques
- Emergency preparedness and disaster management
- Financial planning and budgeting for off-grid living.
Please feel free to include any topics along those lines. I’m sure if you’ve read to this point you get where I’m going.
[SurvivalManual] (https://github.com/ligi/SurvivalManual)
There is an app for this. Works offline, available on fdroid and playstore. Covers a lot of topics and the manual is mostly based on military guidelines.
Never needed yet, but it feels good to have it.
Right up my alley, thanks mate
survivorlibrary.com might have what you’re looking for.
Just a thought: these resources are great. But to be helpful printed stuff is way better because you dont need electricity for that.
Obviously plan on printing or keeping offline copies on flashdrives.
I think you missed the point. If you’re talking about survival information, you want it as low-tech as possible, i.e., hard copy only.
And remember: two is one, one is none.
Humble Bundle just had a good collection on that. Can’t find it now but books on homesteading, medical plants, finding people lost on the woods, going off-grid, and various books about rural cooking.
Edit: Must have expired last night. I can’t find any info on it.
Thank you for an interesting discussion! In particular I like the fact that you listed out a lot of sustainable practices!
The kiwi app that does offline web archives. It has collections for this but also all of stackoverflow and Wikipedia.
perfect. there’s yet more in the parent directory.
I highly recommend checking out kiwix 🥝
ps-survival.com and CD3WD were projects that were big when i first got into prepping at the start of the pandemic. Both of the sites seem to be defunct but there are still mirrors/copies/torrents of the info available online since they were both created to be downloaded for offline use.
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Lots of prepper channels on Telegram with pdfs, eg https://t.me/PrepperCollective
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I’d check out your local library. Obviously you can’t take the books, but you can check em out and learn.
Can’t tell if this is a troll response or not. Your answer, on the Piracy instance, is to go to a library?..
You think I’ve never herd of a library?
Not even a mention of scanning books from the library? Just to learn and leave lmfao.
No i just think it would be a good place to search out the good books. I’m sure they’re all in a section, so you’d get to actually look at them and figure out what you want. Then you can go to MAM and get them. That’s what id do, plus the library is relaxing.
Nvm you sold me, great idea ngl.
Imma find my nearest one :)
Woohoo! Also, for real, check out the overdrive app. It’s pretty awesome. I mean like sure, i can download whatever, but like some of the fiction, once I’ve read it in done. I don’t need to retain it.
edit: spelling
CD3WD Survival Skills Encyclopeadia
There was also a 4gb archive floating around r/survivalism