Late post sorry about that.

I’ve been playing a lot of UFO 50. Finished golfaria and started night manor.

Also played through the puzzle game escape from mystwood mansion. It was decent. A little short but good overall.

    4 months ago

    Trying to heal in World of War craft. I feel like the large number of spell effects makes it hard for people to see where it’s safe to stand.

    Deadlybossmod for audio alerts on what is coming your way. I also use GTFO for my emotional support awoogaa sound effect to tell me I am standing in the fire.

    Don’t forget to install weakauras. In WoWhead you can download pre-made profiles, look for the add on section in class guides.

    If you are a DPS with a interrupt, you should consider using Plater. I got this profile that color codes the enemy’s cast bar so if it is green you can interrupt it.

    Finally, you can better see when your cooldowns are ready with TellMeWhen. I personally only use the floating combat text to let me know I can push out another cooldown. There is a ton of utility in this one that I am just to much of a caveman to utilize.

    Why did I get back into wow?!?!? Like I needed another reason to drink. The level design is on point in this expansion at least.

    Also, factorio makes me want to quit my jobs and play it until I run out of money and get evicted (again)