I’m looking into finding a way to get access to the DLC packs for Rocksmith 2014 which have been delisted due to their licenses expiring.

I’ve been able to find some repacks that come with all of them bundled in as one, but I own a legitimate copy of the game itself. Is there any way to trick Steam into allowing me to use those files without a license attached to my account?

Update: I got it working! I downloaded fitgirl’s repack, copied over the DLC to my Steam’s installation and used CreampAPI to enable it. Thank you everyone!

  • Deello@lemm.ee
    4 months ago


    If you want something that far “out of print” those repacks are your best bet. The only other options that MIGHT be available are key reseller sites. If you’re lucky they have some keys. If they still work is another problem.

    Anecdotal but I moved somewhat recently and found my box of old consoles/games. I found my copy of Marvel Vs Capcom 3 (PS3) and booted it up to find out that I never claimed the DLC. I bought the steelbook Special Edition with a DLC code for the extra characters. Tried to redeem and apparently the code expired. If I want the characters I have to buy the “Ultimate” version of the game which has the characters on the disk.