Any other Motorola phone users get this notification pop-up? I found a post on the forum that shall not be named and it seems like a worldwide Motorola glitch but no official word yet.
Just wanted to repost here in case anyone else was weirded out by what Ricardo is doing on your phone.
Yep. Got this earlier today.
Yes, I got it too!
Ricardo was testing in production
Got the same stuff some minutes ago. After some checking, there’s a Twitter thread about the subject, including Motorola going out of its way to avoid answering what’s up.
It doesn’t look malicious though, more like plain stupidity.
EDIT: ! is saying that this is a notification test, and that someone didn’t catch the intern doing this yet.
I didn’t see anything, but I did uninstall/disable some motorola default packages.
You probably uninstalled the device help application, it’s the one sending this.
And my mum just got the notification. Sent me a desperate message, thinking that some Ricardo (fairly common name here) hacked her phone. ¬¬
My family has the name Ricardo, so I would have been especially interested about the notification had I got it!
What’d Danny Ricardo do now?
Crash his car into the wall and break his wrist :(
Glad you posted this because I’d completely forgotten I got the weird notification, but work things distracted me from trying to figure it out.
“Damnit, Ricardo.”
Got this too. Someone was testing in production!
Can confirm I got this too just now on my G Stylus
I have a Moto G Stylus 2023 (non-5G) and did not receive this notification.
Edit: I never used the Device Help app so it’s not setup. I wonder if this is why I didn’t receive it.
Oh man, Moto G Stylus 5g 2023 just rolls off the tongue