The Minish Cap is one of my favorite games of all time and definitely my favorite Zelda game. Everything from the dungeon puzzling, to the story, to the music is perfection, and the synergy between Capcom and Nintendo was like no other.

Do you guys have any reccomendations for similar games? Specifically in relation to the gameplay e.g. 2d puzzle dungeons, adventure fantasy, creative items, etc.

    2 months ago

    I’d say LoZ: Echoes of Wisdom tried to be like this, unfortunately it’s a bit bland. Might be worth checking if you haven’t yet though.

    For something I enjoyed more, CrossCode is a fun top-down action RPG, but it’s more of a sci-fi/fantasy thing and a bit more on the action side. It does have extensive dungeons with lots of puzzles though (often relying on switches, timing, movable blocks and clever ways to use your ball-shooting weapon).