Sorry if its not the right place to post, i just dont know where else to ask. I am searching for a book Discover what you are best at. I had already looked through libgen, flibusta, z-lib. I had also went through megathread, but to my knowledge these sites are the best bets to find any book. Is there anywhere else i can look for?
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Yep, it is there, thank you!
Thank you! It is there, however I have troubles downlading for some reason, but I will figure it out
Great resource!
Myanonamouse probably has it but you’d need to apply to get access as it is a private tracker.
Amazingly MAM does not have it
Thank you for checking! I found it on annas archive
Wow. I didn’t have time to look when I was replying but that shocks me. They have had everything ive ever looked for!
One suggestion could be to use a search engine that supports google dorking/hacking.
If you need exact searches, surround a word with quotes. Hope you find what you’re looking for!
I will look into this. Thank you!