Been using this for a long time. Very reliable. Though postgres may be overkill for most. Default install uses sqlite.
I’ve got maybe 20 or so apps set up for various services and things. Quite useful!
I guess I’ve just experienced too many times the pain of a sqlite database getting corrupted.
What sort of notifications is this aimed at?
For anything. You can get a push notification for anything you can make run a script or send an http request.
I use it with apprise and mailrise (email interface over apprise) typically. Apprise is basically a generic notification sender that can send push notifications to a bunch of different clients, including gotify.
So, things like Proxmox errors get set to a fake mailrise address -> apprise -> gotify. And a lot of Linux apps in general (especially older ones) only support email notifications, so this is quite useful. You can also use apprise directly, even as a commandline interface. So you can make scripts to notify you of problems in cases where there isn’t already proper logging and notification support.
And I’ve setup diun to give me notifications for docker version updates. In this case, diun sends notifications to gotify directly.