• 42 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • Jumping around a room exhausting yourself is kind of the antithesis to that.

    I’m not sure what games you’re playing, but most are what would be considered light to moderate exercise (unless you’re playing fitness focused games at a high level), hardly something that is going to exhaust yourself. I’ll add that many VR games are standing or sitting experiences (or are room scale but require nothing more than walking).

    Nevertheless, there are barriers like the weight and heat of the headsets (and the price) so I don’t disagree that it’s not mainstream.

  • There’s likely a firewall on the system that hosts the docker services, and docker’s default bridge rules bypass it when publishing a port. And since the docker rules are prioritised, it can be quite difficult to override them in a reliable way. I personally wish that the default rules would just open a rule to the host, but there might be some complexity that I’m missing that makes that challenging.

    I personally use host networking to avoid the whole mess, but be aware you’ll have to change the internal ports for a bunch of services most likely, and that’s not always well-documented. And using the container name as the host name won’t work when referencing other containers, you’ll have to use e.g. localhost: even inside the network.

    You can do the bind to localhost thing that others have mentioned, as long as the reverse proxy itself is inside the docker network (likely there are workarounds if not).

  • My desktop PC idles quite high as well. The semi high-end consumer motherboards on the AMD side tend to use a lot of power at idle, so I think that’s a big part of it (at least the x570 series, can’t speak for later). And as others have said, high refresh rate and multiple monitors can make things worse.

    I’ll add though that people’s perception of how much power there system is using can be skewed by software based monitoring tools. People may think there system is using only 50W because that’s what software reports but it’s actually drawing a 100W at the wall.