Why should I watch this video and not read the Wine 10.0 change log on their official website?
Do whatever you want, it’s a free world bro
Wayland support.
Yikes! Thanks but still sticking with Xorg. Even the steamdeck is on Xorg.
Steam Deck uses gamescope, Valve’s own Wayland compositor in game mode.
It uses X11 in desktop mode, but I am sure they will change to Wayland there as well, since plasma 6 uses Wayland by default.
People should remember not all Desktops have stable wayland support or rarely no wayland at all.
Why is everyone asking why in the comments? The video is short and excellent. It answers the question, providing 4 reasons. I’ve been wondering, and now I know. Thanks OP.
Because sometimes you can’t listen to a long video that should have been an email. I mean an article.
Why is everyone asking why in the comments?
Probably because most of us come to forums like this one for discussion. Not to be click-baited into sitting through someone’s video exposition.
The video is short and excellent.
OP posted an off-site link with a useless title, and nothing else. No explanation. No synopsis. No point of view. Just an off-site link with a title that tries to bait us into spending our time bolstering their view count for them. That alone is enough to disqualify it as an excellent post in a text forum. If he had written something thoughtful here, them maybe it could have been a valuable post.
Perhaps not everyone uses the platform the same way you do? If someone provides a link to an explanation of a complex topic I think that can sometimes be valuable. You seem to have a very black and white view of how the platform is to be used.
It’s really not hard to please both camps. Lemmy is different from Reddit in that you can provide a text body even for link posts, and the etiquette is to use it to provide a short summary.
In this case, give the top few reasons WINE 10 is interesting, and perhaps provide a link to the changelog. Then if I want to watch a video I can, or if I can’t but can read an article/changelog, I can do that instead, and maybe I’ll come back to the video later if I’d like more explanation.
But just posting a YouTube video with a clickbait title feels like the rest of the internet that I’m trying to avoid by coming here, and I consider it rude.