Ahoy! My internal hdds are at max with all I’ve been torrenting and I’m considering some type of Docking station for my desktop with several 10Tbs drives in them to allow me to store and backup my data for offline protection.
I was wondering if anyone had done any type of setup like this and if it’s a reliable method for offline data storage. I’d also like it to have a RAID capability but I have software which can mirror drives to each other on startup/shutdown, etc. Also, I’d need it to have a USB-type connection for a USB SSD drive to pop-out & connect to my Smart TV for viewing.
An end goal would be to get a 3-2-1 setup but I can’t find a reliable Cloud storage I’d trust with that much data except maybe Filen.
Any positive input about brands, drives, services, etc. would be most appreciated!
The keyword here is DAS - Direct Attached Storage
Noted and added to my “buzzwords” list. Now I can search smarter. Thank you for the response!
If you really end up with DAS, I can recommend this: https://www.qnap.com/en-us/product/tl-d800c
Yes, it’s definitely DAS I’m working towards. I’ve looked at a lot of the Qnap products. I would need one a bit smaller than that due to space constraints but that looks like what I’m going for. I just need to try and get a snapshot of my USB connections to know what connectivity is available. Thank you for the recommendation and input!
Here’s a small list of devices that might be interesting (sorry it’s in German): https://geizhals.de/?cat=hdxnas&asd=on&asuch=USB&pg=1&v=e&hloc=at&hloc=de&hloc=pl&hloc=uk&hloc=eu&sort=p&xf=19347_Erweiterungseinheit~2659_ohne
Keep in mind you could always go the NAS route instead and have it available in your whole network for
pretty much around the samea bit higher price.