Hey, I wanna start building a media library because I’m annoyed with all the streaming services. Only problem is, that I’m from germany with strict laws. Anyone here got experience with torrenting movies and stuff in germany?
I’ve been running qbittorrent in tandem with wireguard vpn in docker container for quite some time in germany
the harder challenge is actually finding german torrents at all
I’m still using one click hoster so far but I’m really interested in the *arr stack. Does it even make sense to set this up for German content? I also remember that German torrent content was rare.
What I’ve found is that some dudes claim, that there are good private trackers for german dubbed content. Even for ebooks there are places it seems. But what i’ve seen to be more often claimed is that there are large usenet communities with all the content you want. With these though, you once again have to pay the community with money. Just like with the oneclickhosters. I backed all those comments up. if you want to read the original statements, i could dig them out for you.
Edit: using the word “claim” since i am in no private tracker, as they always were closed for new guys and the usenet stuff - i didnt have time to find out wich respects my privacy enough, when it comes to payment methods.
Option one: Join private tracker communities, no need for a vpn here. You will find the majority of stuff here anyway, compared to public torrents.
Option two: Get and set up a vpn (preferable with port forwarding) in your bittorrent client. Bind your vpn connection to your network interface in qbittorrents advanced settings option page.
Option three: Use usenet, since there is no upload involved on your side you also need no vpn.
Piracy in Germany is kinda rare, don’t expect to find many pirates in your private sphere. However if you find some, chances are they will try to stop your from torrenting and advise file hosters like ddownload or rapidgator. It’s very common for German pirates, torrenting has a bad reputation due to law firms hunting down pirates.
Just to add to the conversation. German law firms get you by doing a honey pot attack. That means that they connect to the tracker as a downloaded to see who’s offering to upload. Then they send the info to your ISP to get your information and sue you.
This means that only real private trackers are kinda safe. If you go TL or IPT they may get in too, as these trackers are open for registration many times a year.
All in all, it is important to know how they try to track you.