• they want repeat players (users)
  • they repeat a formula that sells
  • when it doesn’t, they look to “adjust” it with something new and preferably cheap
  • they give free samples to spread word of mouth
  • they try to lock people into their environment
  • they always want people to chase the next high
  • looking for ways to keep you hooked on something for as long as possible
  • they try to use their formula in all their products
  • j4k3@lemmy.world
    8 days ago
    • You can get the same endorphins elsewhere for free with just a little extra effort
    • you mostly do it because your friends do, but only the dumbest ones you don’t really like all that much anyways
    • you are only trying to escape this hell of a dystopia where you don’t own anything… by paying another neo feudal drug overlord to abuse and oppress your masochistic ass