Oh I’m absolutely defending Nazis here, I’m glad your reading comprehension is on point. I’m sure because I had a different opinion than you, I’m a nazi, correct?
You’re doing the dumb liberal thing where you say you “oppose” fascism, but when the Nazis are at the door you’re yelling “oh no please don’t be mean to the Nazis!” because of some weird civility fetish
Yeah you usually get bombarded with hate when you announce you’re a nazi
How could I forget, anyone who has a different opinion or view than you is a Nazi, very good.
If you’re defending Nazis I have to wonder
Oh I’m absolutely defending Nazis here, I’m glad your reading comprehension is on point. I’m sure because I had a different opinion than you, I’m a nazi, correct?
You’re doing the dumb liberal thing where you say you “oppose” fascism, but when the Nazis are at the door you’re yelling “oh no please don’t be mean to the Nazis!” because of some weird civility fetish
I think history illustrates very clearly what happens when these people who are anti-fascist in rhetoric alone are pushed into action end up doing
What is this from?
German Social Democracy and the Rise of Nazism by Donna Harsch (Page 237)