How about walking home with a VHS tape and nothing to hide it with. The “movie”: Debbie does Dallas.
Timing your family leaving the house so you could watch a “movie” in the loungeroom.
Kids today with their own portable devices in their bedrooms have no idea how risky it was for us.
I believe this explains why a lot of us have developed tinitis. Experts point to headphones and loud music as the cause but I theorise that out of shear survival instinct we had to develop super sensitive hearing and the ability to separate the smooth sounds of a saxophone and moaning with the distant sound of a car door or car tires pulling into a gravel driveway
There was a VHS passed around my high school, cleverly disguised with both the sleeve and sticker for the comedy classic “Airplane!” but was in fact Jenny McCarthys Playboy video. There’s enough in that previous sentence to sufficiently approximate my age haha
Gotta love blurry titties
I’ll never forget the days of watching the image load line by line to reveal tittie
Ah the days when being on the Internet was a deliberate act rather than a passive one
I’m just happy the meme doesn’t say “pov” incorrectly
It’s a “yfw”.
Only 612MB? That’s a waste of free 4.1GB in a nice DVD disk. Let me fill it up for you
It’s weird the meme explicitly says CD-ROM and you’re talking about DVDs, which are not CD-ROMs
I was pointing DVD out because CDs had 512MB, which are less than 612MB, so that disk must be actually a DVD disk.
Did you know that this information can be easily googled, and you don’t have to double down? A writable CD most typically contains between 650 and 700 MB of capacity.